08 November, 2014


This was the most awaited movie of the year, for me.

A brilliant work that at times fools you into believing that it is NOT a Nolan movie, till the third act, when all hell breaks loose and you see the familiar hectic cross-cutting, background score with a gradually increasing tempo and an enigmatic end. Surprisingly, my favourite characters from the movie are non-humans - the two robots: TARS and CASE. They are way better than HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Especially due to their Humor setting of 100% and Truth setting of 90%.

The plot seems to be simple yet multi-layered, probably due to the inherent complexities of the concepts of space/time travel and time dilation. But we must remember, that in the end this is a movie about father-daughter relationship and rest all are in a different dimension. Great concept, stunning visuals and well executed.

My Rating: 9/10

More dissection of the work to come soon.

Trivia: All the alphabets in robot names TARS and CASE can be used to spell - TESSERACT. Is it a co-incidence or my futile attempt to see a pattern where none exists? Can't help it, Nolan's work has that kind of effect on you.    

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