27 April, 2015

Avengers: Age of Ultron

Ok, so plus points first:
Good CGI, all characters enjoy great chemistry, Iron-Man rocks, as always & Hawk Eye gets a meatier role.
Ahh and yes, that brand of self-deprecating humor, made famous by Tony Stark.

"Action" - not really! How many superheroes are going to fight amongst themselves or their creations, with utter disregard to humans and the cost of their lives? First it was Loki, now it is Ultron. Is there a theme to any of these movies? Do the bystanders have any say in all this meaningless action? (Cue: The ferry scene in The Dark Knight, the cop march in The Dark Knight Rises). Apart from the German crowd sequence in first Avengers, there is nothing worth mentioning in this regards. Joss Whedon did have some change of heart though in the end and those poor souls in Sokovia got their ride on one of the helicarriers.

To me, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) movies and Transformers seem the same, the only difference being that MCU has the Infinity Stones and Transformers has the AllSpark.

The only Marvel movies so far who went beyond this formula were - Iron Man 3 which was an OK film and Guardians of the Galaxy which is by far a standout from the crowd of other MCU films. And more importantly it has its heart in the right place. If you want to go for some humor with good action, this is the movie you want. Not Hulk fighting Iron-man, Thor fighting Loki. It is cool to see them face-off but ultimately it is just pointless.

Does the Age of Ultron has any effect in terms of taking ahead a plot/story for other upcoming Marvel movies. Nil, Zero. No impact whatsoever. What is the point of the mindless action then? I did enjoyed this movie while it was playing on the screen, but it had nothing to take away once I stepped out of the theater. Such a shame!

P.S. My daughter Kavya surprisingly liked the most unlikeable hero of them all – HULK, the green guy :D.

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